Web resources for ISO 19115

NOAA ISO 19915 materials

NOAA has numerous resources. Other than their training materials, their audience is primarily people who already understand the metadata basics. You can download their PowerPoint presentation and there from the “Materials for Previously Offered Courses” section.

NOAA ISO 19115 and 19115-2 Training Materials https://www.ncddc.noaa.gov/metadata-standards/metadata-training/

The course “workbooks” provide easy access to the definition for every ISO 19115 metadata element. They are in the “workbooks” section of each previous course. Direct workbook links:

Complete list of ISO-defined code values https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=ISO_19115_and_19115-2_CodeList_Dictionaries Descriptions for the Code values defined by ISO, for example Responsibility roles, and Resource formats

NOAA ISO metadata wiki https://geo-ide.noaa.gov/wiki/index.php?title=Category:ISO_19115 discussion of many metadata topics

GeoData currently supports 19115, 19115-2, 19115-3. At this time, 19115-2 is stored internally as 19115-1 to provide full support for metadata elements in -2 that were not in the original.